Monday, January 25, 2010

Birthday Cakes and Dance Parties

This year I was very adamant that I did not want a birthday party. Nope. No way. Last year was too amazing to ever top and I needed a year off. Plus there isn't a proper party dress in my closet to wear. And lately I have been feeling more style-less than stylish. Jeans and a sweater seem to be my uniform these days. It's the cold. I have to drag myself just to go out. A serious pep talk to get me showered and out the door. "You can do this. It will be fun. Think of pools and summertime and cookouts."

So back to my party. This year I decided on a quiet night in with girls. The ladies that keep me sane and let me be outrageous all at the same time. The ones that I want to bottle up so that one day when we all don't live blocks away I can take them out, set them on the counter and have them there with me. It's lobster, butter, biscuits, and champagne. Every birthday needs champagne. And I wouldn't have it any other way. I can feel the love now. (Seriously I can... either that or my headband is squeezing my head too hard.)

This year is different from other years. I am on the edge of closing this chapter and ready to start the next one. Hell if I know what the actual chapter will contain. But amen to the fact that my lovely lovely ladies will be there with me. Ok fine, maybe I will wear a party dress this year. I just need a lobster bib to match!

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